Oftentimes, it's easy to choose WHAT you want to paint, but deciding what colors look good with it isn't quite as simple! You know you want to paint the pretty sunflowers in your garden, your family pet, or a sailboat you snapped a photo of on vacation. But when it's time to paint the background of your masterpiece, choosing just the right color feels more like a shot in the dark.
In three short videos, you'll learn...
We believe that art is for EVERYONE, not just those who were born with flawless intuition. You deserve to feel great about your paintings, whether you're a canvas painting beginner or you've been doing this for years!
Acrylic paint that's already dried can be much more difficult to remove, but that doesn't make it impossible. We've tested five different products to see what would give the best results. It'll take a little bit of elbow grease, but saving your favorite pair of jeans will be worth it!
Please note: These methods work best for articles of clothing that are non-delicate and can go in a normal wash cycle. For specialty items, get those to a dry cleaner right away! These products may damage certain fabrics. MURPHY WOOD CLEANER
In order to make sure it soaked in enough without drying out too quickly, we also applied the product to a cotton ball and left that on the stain for a few minutes. Because this product has strong fumes, we recommend that you wash your jeans separately from any of your other clothes. It may take two washes to get the strong solvent smell out.
After washing your items, you want to check the stain before you put the clothing into the dryer. If the stain is still there and you dry it, you'll set it into the fabric even worse. Still see a little paint residue? Try the process again, and then rewash.
Are you ready to see which product worked best for removing acrylic paint from clothes?
Murphy Wood Cleaner removed the paint almost without a trace! This product is 99% naturally derived, so that makes it a great option for a cleaner that works well without the harsh chemicals contained in the other products. For that reason, we're calling this one the winner! Klean Strip Brush Cleaner also did a great job removing the majority of the acrylic paint from clothes. Because it is such a harsh solvent with strong fumes, this one is in second place. When the results are the same, we'd always recommend the more natural alternative. OxiClean Stain Spray removed some of the paint, but as you can see above, a good bit of it is still there. This product works really well when you're able to spray it on when the paint is still wet, but when you're trying to remove acrylic paint that has dried, it doesn't quite do the trick. Nail polish remover smeared the paint into the fibers of the jeans, making it impossible to get the rest of the way out. We wouldn't recommend this option! Dawn Ultra didn't do much to remove the stains at all. Again, this product is awesome for greasy stains, but when it comes to the hard plastic stains of acrylic paint, it isn't the way to go. The next time you're painting canvases and spill some acrylic paint on your jeans or favorite top, you'll be prepared! Whenever possible, rinse the clothing out and throw it into the washer before it has a chance to dry. But when you don't see the stain until the paint is dried, you now know exactly how to remove acrylic paint from clothes! WANT MORE CANVAS PAINTING TIPS AND TRICKS?
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For many people, painting is fun and relaxing, but drawing is stressful and difficult. Of course, there are sketching naturals out there, but most acrylic painting beginners struggle when it comes to drawing. The skills required to do a nice painting are much quicker and easier to pick up than the skills required to do a sketch that is correctly sized and proportioned.
Pro Tip: If your canvas is larger than you can print on your home printer, simply take the file to a print shop, and they'll be happy to print a larger version for you!
We would be happy to email you a free video to make this technique even clearer! You'll also receive access to a whole library of canvas painting tips and video tutorials.
So many people want to paint, but they think that they can't because they weren't born with the artistic talent that other people have. If that describes you, we have good news!
Painting is a skill that can be learned, one simple technique at a time. Acrylic painting is not a skill that is only for those lucky enough to be born with talent. With the right tools and a few simple techniques, anyone can create something that makes them proud. Acrylic painting is perfect for beginners. Let's cover three super simple techniques that'll take your paintings up a notch!
For a sky, we recommend side-to-side strokes, switching from one color to another without rinsing your brush in between. If you notice a lot of canvas texture showing, put more paint on your brush. If your painting starts to look muddy, simply finish the section you are on, let it dry, and come back to it with another layer, where you can make any adjustments you like!
These three paintings will give you the perfect opportunity to practice this skill!
Here are three paintings that utilize this type of background!
Want to see these blending techniques in action? Sign up to receive FREE access to our Acrylic Basics Video Library, where we demonstrate techniques and give painting tips!
If your colors overlap and blend as you go, you're doing it right! If you see a lot of the canvas showing through between your dabs of color, keep layering. You'll be amazed at how gorgeous your trees will be and how quickly they will come together!
Practice your stippling with these three paintings!
If some of your sky color mixes with your white for your clouds, let it! All this will do is add to the texture. Perfectly bright, white clouds with no color in them will look less realistic, so embrace the blending!
hey there!The Sketching Pad has been helping people just like you have fun and stress-free painting experiences for over a decade. Whether we're helping people create masterpieces in person in our studio, or we're guiding people who are painting at home through our painting kits and video tutorials, we are passionate about helping people see that everyone can be an artist with the right tools and guidance! This FREE Acrylic Painting Guide includes:
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July 2024